Its that time of year again, where we get away as a club (non club members welcome) and enjoy some social time, surfing, fishing, enjoy the natural beauty of Seals Rocks, while the grommets run around and the older crew enjoy a get together with the odd drink or two or three…
The Bay Area Boardriders annual Treachery trip is scheduled down for the 6 – 8 September 2019 at the Treachery camp at Seals Rocks. The club has already booked accommodation of 10 Cabins with a double bed and 2 bunks per cabin.
The cost for the weekend get away is $50 per person and covers, accommodation, breakfast x 2, dinner x 2, coffee, water and the odd snack. BYO alcohol, linen, sleeping bags and any special requirements. Non members are welcome at $100 per person. Might even work out cheaper to become a member and book accommodation.
We wold love to see you all there.
To put your name down or to get any further information, email the club at bayareaboardriders@gmail.com.
See you all soon